Do you want to be famous like Big Celebrity and Business Tycon?
Have you heard about “First Impression is the last Impression” Yes we all had
Do you want to differentiate yourself and stand out from crowd in this competetive world? Yes We all want as it has become the necessity in todays Digital day and age
How to do that how to build unique place in todays market so here comes into picture Branding and Personal Branding which is the uptmost important.
In this article, I am going to talk about the Branding,Personal branding,Importance and it evolution in the Digital Marketing which would help you to understand better,learn and implement it in much easy way.This article is specially designed for entrepreneurs professionals,freelancers,bloggers,mentors.
This article is also part of my Digital Deepak Internship Program
also read the article on amazing experience of DDIP
Let me explain you

“Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room”-by Jeff Bezos (He is best known as the founder, CEO, and president of the multi-national technology company Amazon.)
Philip Kotler defines Brand as a “name, term, sign symbol (or a combination of these) that identifies the maker or seller of the product”.
“Branding is endowing products and services with the power of a brand” Branding is the process of giving a meaning to specific organization, company, products or services by creating and shaping a brand in consumers’ minds. For Example Amazon is Brand ,COCA COLA they have created their own brand in our mind and built trust in customers by giving the value to money.
You are a Brand. Branding has become a vital part of Digital Marketing and Modern Marketing
“Brand yourself for the career you want, not the job you have”-DAN SCHAWBEL
Now Lets Understand About Personal Branding and its benefits
Personal+Branding is equals to Your Promise of Value
What is Personal Branding?

“Personal branding is the practice of marketing people and their careers as brands. It is an ongoing process of developing and maintaining a reputation and impression of an individual, group, or organization. Whereas some self-help practices focus on self-improvement, personal branding defines success as a form of self-packaging.”
Your personal brand is how you promote yourself. It is the unique combination of skills, experience and personality that you want your followers to see. It is the telling of your story.
Benefits Of Personal Branding
Allows you to showcase yourself as an individual
You are differentiated from the competition
Leaving your mark
Connection to your target audience on social media be creating our own blogs,personal website etc
People trust you more and which helps to build the relationships and grow your network with targeted audience as your network grows people starts to recognise you as brand which becomes your First Impression
People will connect more deeply with your brand, increasing your value to them and allowing you to charge more for your services.
You are always authentic as you are representing to the word your skills,talents ,work experience which is original.
As you are brand yourself full original you become more committed towards it and this helps you get more opportunties in your field.
Importance of Personal Branding
“If people like you they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” — Zig Ziglar
Personal branding is important in today’s economy because you are the most important selling point of your service/product.This is a powerful statement, but true. People trust people, they are looking for someone they can proudly recommend .Also, the personal brand allows a person to self-manage their life without having to depend on others. A person’s brand is an important part of a person’s career. It makes person feel comfortable while working. It also establishes trusts to the colleagues. Having a personal brand also creates intentions that are clear and genuine, which are key to fostering trust.it also helps a person build connections in different fields and their areas of specialty. There is no limit to personal branding.It helps in gaining recognition in their area of expertise. A person also builds a lasting impression and a self-reward for the individuality itself. Admiration, respect, and trust will come along with a person’s name.It helps in gaining recognition in their area of expertise. A person also builds a lasting impression and a self-reward for the individuality itself. Admiration, respect, and trust will come along with a person’s name.Also, it helps in building confidence while gaining trust, authenticity, and credibility. It is important that people know that building their branding is important and helpful.so if you want to evolve as as personal brand the journey starts here.
“It is important to build a personal brand because it isthe only thing you are going to have. Your reputation online, and in the new business world is pretty much the game, so you have got to be a good person. You cannot hide anything and more importantly, you’ve got to be out there at some level”-Gary Vaynerchuk
Evoluion of Personal Brand(Mass Blue Print)(Source Digital Deepak)
If you want to evolve as as personal brand the journey starts here.there are various steps :Learn,Work, Blog,Consult,Mentor and Start up.
For Example:You want to start your own Website Development Agency.
You cannot directly start it without having any skill and knowledge about it.First you need to learn and understand the skills,techniques through different concepts,facts and procedures .once you learn now you can move ahead by working on projects, You can start as web developer in a company or even freelancer and implement the learned skills in to work.while working you can write blogs about the need and information of developing ones own website for their business ,write about your work practice experience and help you to build the target audience.It will help to build your personal brand as well.Now you have personal brand through your blog ,work experience and learned the fundamentals you can start consulting means people will start paying for your services,for your suggestions and advice. Now next step is Mentoring means helping ,teaching ,guiding people to become like you.Moreover Mentoring would help to understand the whole new level.You can do mentoring one on one,group mentoring etc.Finally you can start your own start up so learn,blog,consult,mentor and start up.
This is the evolution of personal brand and it is circle which never ends because we need to Keep learning and Keep evolving.
I Hope and Believe you enjoyed reading my article and understood How and Why personal branding is need of the hour to be successful in Market place and stand tall in this digital age.if you want to make an impact in the world, creating a branding strategy is definitely the place to begin.Your personal brand helps you stand out from everybody else.
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Nice informative article. Nicely elaborating the steps of Personal Branding. Thanks for the article. Got good knowledge for it
Thank You Santosh Keep Learning:)
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